Algorithm Laptops & Desktops Driver

Algorithm Laptops & Desktops DriverDriver

“The Line drawing algorithm is a graphical algorithm which is used to represent the line segment on discrete graphical media, i.e., printer and pixel-based media.”

Gouraud shading: an algorithm to simulate the differing effects of light and colour across the surface of an object in 3D computer graphics; Phong shading: an algorithm to interpolate surface normal-vectors for surface shading in 3D computer graphics. An algorithm is simply a set of steps used to complete a specific task.They're the building blocks for programming, and they allow things like computers, smartphones, and websites to function and make decisions. Nov 04, 2020 An algorithm is a set of steps designed to solve a problem or accomplish a task. Algorithms are usually written in pseudocode, or a combination of your speaking language and one or more programming languages, in advance of writing a program. This wikiHow teaches you how to piece together an algorithm that gets you started on your application. Finally, we'll study how allowing the computer to 'flip coins' can lead to elegant and practical algorithms and data structures. Learn the answers to questions such as: How do data structures like heaps, hash tables, bloom filters, and balanced search trees actually work, anyway?

A line contains two points. The point is an important element of a line.

Properties of a Line Drawing Algorithm

There are the followingproperties of a good Line Drawing Algorithm.

  • An algorithm should be precise: Each step of the algorithm must be adequately defined.
  • Finiteness: An algorithm must contain finiteness. It means the algorithm stops after the execution of all steps.
  • Easy to understand: An algorithm must help learners to understand the solution in a more natural way.
  • Correctness: An algorithm must be in the correct manner.
  • Effectiveness: Thesteps of an algorithm must be valid andefficient.
  • Uniqueness: All steps of an algorithm should be clearly anduniquely defined, and the result should be based on the given input.
  • Input: A goodalgorithm must accept at least one or more input.
  • Output: An algorithm must generate at least one output.
Algorithm Laptops & Desktops Driver

Algorithm Laptops For Senior Citizens

Equation of the straight line

We can define a straightline with the help of the following equation.

y= mx + a


(x, y) = axis of the line.

m = Slope of the line.

a = Interception point

Let us assume we have twopoints of the line (p1, q1) and (p2,q2).

Now, we will put valuesof the two points in straight line equation, and we get

y = mx + a

q2 = mp2 …(1)

q1 = mp1+ a …(2)

We have from equation (1)and (2)

Algorithm Laptops & Desktops Drivers

q2 – q1= mp2 ­– mp1

Algorithm Laptops For Cash

q2 – q1 =m (p2 ­–p1)

The value of m = (q2– q1)/ (p2 ­–p1)

m = ▲q / ▲p

Algorithms of Line Drawing

There are following algorithms used for drawing a line:

Algorithm Laptops For Gaming

  • DDA (DigitalDifferential Analyzer) Line Drawing Algorithm
  • Bresenham’s LineDrawing Algorithm
  • Mid-Point LineDrawing Algorithm